Hello there!

Welcome on my personal website, I am Guillaume Gilles.

I’m designing my website with the philosophy of “digital garden”. The concept dates back to 1998 when Mark Bernstein introduced the idea of the “hypertext garden”, advocating for online spaces where individuals can explore and discover at their own pace. A digital garden differs from a traditional blog. Instead of offering polished articles arranged in reverse chronological order, these sites function more like freeform, evolving wikis—constantly in progress and open to growth. (Appleton 2020)

Appleton, Maggie. 2020. “A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden.” Maggie Appleton. https://maggieappleton.com.

Some navigation guidelines

  • To get to know me, I invite you to read my about page.
  • To know more about what I am tinkering, jump down to Now section
  • Yellow Pages section is where a keep track of interesting website.
  • Digital Garden page (⬆ menu in the navbar) to discover and deep dive into my different projects.
  • Teaching page (⬆ menu in the navbar) lists my materials for my Business Schools’ classes.



Yann Le Cun, ‘Quand la machine apprend: la révolution des neurones artificiels et de l’apprentissage profond’


Creating a AI agent based on open source LLM: just an excuse to work on LLM, prompt engineering, fine-tuning, RAG, etc.


The Beatles, ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ - CAPITOL, 1967

For the Beatles, it was a decisive goodbye to screaming crowds, world tours, and assembly-line record making. “We were fed up with being Beatles,” Paul McCartney said decades later. “We were not boys, we were men … artists rather than performers.” Sgt. Pepper christened the Summer of Love with the lavish psychedelic daydream “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds,” the jaunty Ringo Starr-sung communality anthem “With a Little Help From My Friends,” the album-closing multilayered masterwork, “A Day in the Life,” and the title track, which introduced the alter egos the Beatles had developed for the ambitious project. “It liberated you,” McCartney said. “You could do anything.” It is hard to imagine a more perfect setting for the Victorian jollity of John Lennon’s “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” (inspired by an 1843 circus poster) or the sumptuous melancholy of McCartney’s “Fixing a Hole,” with its blend of antique shadows (a harpsichord played by the Beatles’ producer George Martin) and modern sunshine lead guitar executed with ringing precision by George Harrison). The Sgt. Pepper premise was a license to take their music in every direction — rock spent the rest of the Sixties trying to keep up. (Stone 2023)

Stone, Rolling. 2023. “The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.” Rolling Stone.

Yellow Pages


The yellow pages are telephone directories of businesses, organized by category rather than alphabetically by business name. The directories were originally printed on yellow paper, as opposed to white pages for non-commercial listings. The traditional term “yellow pages” is now also applied to online directories of businesses.

Machine Learning & Deep Learning

Deep Learning Conspiracy (Le Cun and Brizard 2019)

Le Cun, Yann, and Caroline Brizard. 2019. Quand La Machine Apprend: La révolution Des Neurones Artificiels Et de l’apprentissage Profond. Paris: Odile Jacob.

Stunning explanations

Digital Gardens




In publishing, a colophon (/ˈkɒləfən, -fɒn/) is a brief statement containing information about the publication of a book such as an “imprint” (the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication). A colophon may include the device logo  of a printer or publisher. Colophons are traditionally printed at the ends of books, but sometimes the same information appears elsewhere and many modern (post-1800) books bear this information on the title page or on the verso of the title leaf, which is sometimes called a biblio page or the copyright page.

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